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Monthly Archives: December 2016

Merry Christmas

My dear friends and readers,

On behalf of all who live in Bucklethorn Forest, we wish you a wonderfully blessed Christmas!

May you find hope, joy and peace on this very special day!

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Christmas is near…

A lovely 4th advent Sunday to you! Less than a week to go and the hectic and stress right before Christmas is at its peak. If you’d like to relax a minute, then think about this.

Deep down in the dark and calm woods of Bucklethorn Forest some animals are finding peace and joy at lighting the forth candle and the thought that Christmas is so close. They do not feel the pressure of buying the right presents or cooking the perfect Christmas meal. To them Christmas is a celebration revolving all around friendship.

Here is the promised solution to the 10 hidden ladybugs in last weeks picture. See if you were right and found them all :)

Can you find the one difference in the picture, as appose to the picture I posted last week? Yes, of course, the fourth candle is lit! Happy 4th advent everyone.

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Happy 3rd Advent!

Time is flying! It is already the 3rd advent Sunday and we are moving closer and closer to Christmas Eve. If you would like to relax a bit and just get your mind off things, then here’s a little task for you.

Ladybugs from far and near have come to celebrate the 3rd advent together with Puck, Fiona and Mrs. Weaver. See if you can spot the 10 hidden ladybugs in Bucklethorn Forest. Next week the results will be posted, so if you don’t find all of the ladybugs just come back next Sunday to figure out which ones you missed.

Have fun and may the search begin.

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Second Advent Activity

On behalf of all of Bucklethorn Forest, we wish every one of you a peaceful and joyful second advent! May you find time in this hectic and stressful season to meditate on the true meaning of Christmas to you.

To help you get into the Christmas spirit I prepared a fun coloring sheet of Bucklethorn Forest’s second advent Sunday. Just download it, print it out and get started!

Come back soon to see what Bucklethorn Forest has in store for you on the third advent Sunday ;)

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