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Monthly Archives: December 2015

First book sales and first sale problems…

My dear friends and readers,Book_Delivery-web

Thank you so much for all your support, help spreading the word and getting my book out there.
It’s been some exciting weeks learning a lot of new things especially about marketing.
Unfortunately at the moment we are experiencing some start up issues with Amazon. If you tried to order a copy of the book and it read “out of stock” on the Amazon website, then this is impossible. I am working with Amazon on a print on demand basis, so it can’t be out of stock. Please help me sort out these and possible other issues, by letting me know if this happened to you too. Send me either an e-mail or a facebook message. We are in the process of sorting this out.
If this just happened to you, it would help me a lot if you could take a screen shot of the message on Amazon and send it to me. I hope to have this cleared up as soon as possible!
Thank you for baring with me!

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