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Monthly Archives: May 2016

Sneak peek…another character

Squirrel-02Hello my dear friends and readers,

I realize it has been quite some time, since I’ve written about Bucklethorn Forest. I have a lot going on at the moment.
While working on my new book, the sequel to “Who stole the berries?”, I have a few new characters joining the new story.
I thought maybe you would like to get to know one of them.

So without further ado let me present: Ruby
Ruby is an energetic squirrel. She is fun to be around, always in movement and very curious. She loves to learn new things and finds joy in exploring.
Ruby may be very active and always on the go, but she is none the less a very faithful friend. If her friends are in a pickle, she is the first to offer her help.

That’s all for now, I don’t want to spoil any more of the surprise about the second book.

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