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Monthly Archives: February 2016

Behind the scenes…

acryl-paint-1I would like to give you some insight on why I chose the method I did for my illustrations. If you are interested and faced similar difficulties then I hope I can help you out a bit.

I am sure there are many ways to create illustrations. I am no expert and for me it is learning by doing. I didn’t take any classes on how to illustrate so in the beginning the road was bumpy.

I tried different techniques using oil pastels, water colors, acrylic paint and I even tried finger painting. Some of the techniques didn’t work for me on a practical level. The paper curled up when using the water colors and so I couldn’t scan it without strange shadows on the picture. Other methods just didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to.

water-colors-1Painting on the computer was never an option, since I don’t work very well on computers. I lack the patience and understanding for them.

A mistake I made was looking at other children’s book illustrations. Comparing and trying to copy their methods.

I threw the whole idea of illustrating my own story out the window once again and let it rest for some time.

oil-pastels-1After a while I decided I wanted to do this book and with my mind set on it, all began to fall into place.

I got some simple colored pencils out and started to draw my characters.

When I showed them to my hubby he looked at me and said, that’s your style, that’s the method you should use to illustrate your book.

I am still learning lots as I move forward with the second book.


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